Christmas: Story of an Earth-Shaking Birth Give the gift of gifts.

Fall in love with the beloved Christmas story all over again! Exploring the Bible’s “back story” to Christmas, this little book will help you appreciate how much of Scripture really ought to be read through the lens of Advent.
A companion volume to the music album An Earth-Shaking Christmas Cantata, by Tim Gallant’s Project Fortissimo, this premium full color book provides all the lyrics of every song on the album, and delves deep into all the biblical texts behind those songs.
A wonderful gift, or a great choice for an Advent devotional!
Release date: November 2024.
6x9" premium color paperback; 60pp.
Retail price: list $16.99 USD (premium color paperback). Pactum price: $12.99 + shipping | Digital (PDF & ePub): $6.99.
Best value — Book & CD gift set $20 with free shipping! (limited time introductory offer).
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- Introduction
- 1. Mother of All Living — how the story of Eve commences the Christmas hope.
- 2. Make the Barren One Rejoice — ties the recurring barren woman/birth miracle theme to the virgin birth.
- 3. Shepherd King — reintroduction of the David story as providing a matrix for Christmas.
- 4. A Virgin Shall Conceive — dives into the original context in Isaiah of the famous “virgin shall conceive” prophecy.
- 5. Unto Us a Child Is Born — continues on in Isaiah to explore the full significance of the promised Child.
- 6. The Annunciation — works through Gabriel’s announcement to Mary.
- 7. Magnificat — examines Mary’s responsive song of praise.
- 8. Father to My Son — Joseph is not just an afterthought in the Christmas story. This chapter shows how important it was that God “adopt” Joseph, so that he in turn could be father to his own Son.
- 9. Bethlehem — Caesar’s decree got Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem … in order to accomplish just what God had planned all along.
- 10. Glory and Peace — God’s heavenly host started with the shepherds. Learn why.
- 11. David, Son of David — marvels in the apparent incongruities of Christmas, such as power in weakness, wealth in poverty, the Ancient of Days as the youngest of mortals.
- 12. Magi – what’s up with the wise men? looking back at earlier magi such as Balaam and Nebuchadnezzar’s counselors, this chapter unpacks the themes of kingship and wisdom we find in the story of this mysterious company from the East.
- 13. Hallelujah — weaving together the incarnational themes of John 1 and many other messianic elements, this chapter demonstrates the triumph inherent in the Christmas story.