Pactum Books Non-fiction book catalogue
Note: books below are listed most recent first (reverse chronologically).
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Christmas: Story of an Earth-Shaking Birth
It may not be big, but this little book unpacks some punch! Rolling through Scripture from the story of Eve all the way to Revelation, Christmas: Story of an Earth-Shaking Birth shows how a wide swath of biblical texts relate to Advent and Christmas. This is a companion to the music CD, An Earth-Shaking Christmas Cantata, but this premium color paperback stands on its own. Makes a great gift, and highly suitable as a Christmas season devotional.
Release date: November 2024.
6x9" premium color paperback; 60pp.
Retail price: list $16.99 USD (premium color paperback). Pactum price: $12.99 + shipping | Digital (PDF & ePub): $6.99.
Best value — Book & CD gift set $20 with free shipping! (limited time introductory offer).
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| |Beloved Enemies: A Biblical Antidote to Antisemitism
In the arena of uncivil discourse in 2024, raging antisemitism has reared its ugly head. Again.
Firing bullets ostensibly drawn from the chamber of the New Testament, the Rage Boys are claiming the biblical high ground.
Beloved Enemies works through the texts with detail and care, and demonstrates that the New Testament relationship to first century Jews stands within a long history of both prophetic critique, and unmoving hope.
View further details about Beloved Enemies.
Release date: August 2024.
8.5x8.5" paperback; 94pp. + front matter and Scripture index.
Retail price: paperback $9.99 USD | Digital bundle (epub, pdf) $5.49
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|Baptism and Lord’s Supper
The latest in our Core 100 series, Baptism and Lord’s Supper answers the basic questions regarding both sacraments (Why are they important? What do they mean? What is their power? Who are they for?) by walking us through the Bible. Whether you are looking for a suitable gift for any Christian, or searching for a book for group study, this book will prove a good choice.
View further details about Baptism and Lord’s Supper.
Series: Core 100
Release date: April 2023.
8.5x8.5" paperback; 105pp. + front matter and Scripture index.
Retail price: paperback $11.99 USD | Digital bundle (kindle, epub, pdf) $6.99
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|Big Ordinary Sins
Big Ordinary Sins: Confronting Our Everyday Transgressions can be termed both prophetic denunciation and pastoral conversation. Identifying numerous serious sins which have become widely accepted in the Western Church, this book aims to convict as well as to encourage with the message of the cross. View further details about Big Ordinary Sins.
Series: Core 100
Release date: April 2022.
8.5x8.5" paperback; 100pp + front matter.
Retail price: Paperback $11.99 USD | Digital Bundle (Kindle, Epub & PDF) $6.99.
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Metanarrative: The Bible’s One Story of Love, Truth and Beauty is a brief, conversational overview of the story of the Bible, paired to epic music lyrics in the margins. View further details about Metanarrative.
Series: Core 100
Release date: April 4, 2017.
8.5x8.5" paperback; 100pp + front matter.
Retail price: Paperback $11.99 USD | Kindle or Epub $4.99.
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| | .Paul’s Travail
Paul’s Travail: A Reintroduction to Galatians provides a formidable commentary on one of the apostle’s most beloved letters. Combines rigorous exegetical work, a strong sense of biblical theology and typology, and experienced pastoral sense into a harmonious whole. View further details about Paul’s Travail.
Release date: November 2013.
6x9" paperback; 309pp. + front matter.
Retail price: Paperback $24.99 USD | Digital bundle (PDF, Kindle Epub) $15.95.
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|Sermons on Galatians
Sermons on Galatians offers help with a difficult letter by way of 35 sermons. View further details about Sermons on Galatians.
Release date: 2012.
10x8" paperback; 304pp.
Retail price: Paperback $14.95 USD | PDF $4.95.
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|These Are Two Covenants
These Are Two Covenants: Reconsidering Paul on the Mosaic Law is a scholarly and provocative look at the apostle’s approach to the covenant of Moses. View further details about These Are Two Covenants.
Release date: 2010 (digital) / 2012 (paper).
5.5x8.5" paperback; 103pp.
Retail price: Paperback $9.95 USD | PDF $4.95.
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|Feed My Lambs
Feed My Lambs: Why the Lord’s Table Should Be Restored to Covenant Children is our bestseller, and remains the sole comprehensive defense of paedocommunion available in the English language. View further details about Feed My Lambs. Includes a helpful study guide.
Release date: 2002.
5.5x8.5" paperback; 220pp.
Retail price: Paperback $15.95 USD | PDF $5.95.
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